Well...I have moved. I have started school and all that jazz. I have mentioned before that while in school I am residing with my grandparents. Yes this college chick is living with a 75 and 82 year old. Not the typical situation for most college kids but I'm thinking that you people are starting to see that is pretty much the story of my life. So I'm here. I have had some interesting stories told to me and around me. Many comments said and then thought to myself, "Where did that come from?" I have gotten in my car to go to class and then seen my Grandpa go zipping in front of me on his little tractor lawn mower- something that brought a smile to my face. Grandma has warned me repeatedly of many things. "Jessi don't walk too fast up the stairs you might slip." "Jessi be careful and don't be afraid to call if you need us." "Jessi you might not want to put your computer on the basement floor because it may have some moisture in it and if your computer hot then it may make some steam." That one is one of my favorite. Its ridiculous.... I just smiled and said "Ok Grandma."
While I have been here I have also found out some other information. My grandparents still like to talk to each other. I mean I didn't think that they hated each other or anything but they have interesting conversations. After 58 years they still love to talk to each other. My grandpa goes outside and mows the lawn. It takes him about all day to get the lawn done. This particular day he didn't get it all done. On this day my grandma was telling us that she was up for about 3 hours in the night. She said there wasn't much on TV to occupy her time so she read. She said that maybe if it keeps happening she will start cleaning and wake us all up. Grandpa turns and looks at her and says with all seriousness...kinda...."Well you could mow...." It was priceless.
My First Skate!

Sooo....due to my lack of blogging I didn't inform my blog that I went on a little vacation to Steamboat Springs Colorado. If you ever have the chance to go I would highly suggest you go. It is a beautiful area of Colorado. There is ranching and wonderful meadows as well as the wonderful mountains.While there we were trying to find fun and different things to do. One of them had 2 of my dad's favorite words. Cheap + Skate. We of course were game. My father used to skate often and really well. The park here in town used to have a pond that would freeze over in the winter and he and his 4 siblings were frequent visitors of this pond. My mom had skated a few times when she came to visit him. Mom didn't think she should skate since one broken ankle would put her hair salon business in jeopardy. And my other brother E....well he doesn't like to try new things...can't say I'm much different but skating is such a pretty and graceful sport and well you know if it looks good I'm in. The three of us, Senor Smarty Pants, AJ and I have never skated before but we all could rollerblade.
The last words Mom said to us as we got on the ice were "Now, nobody break a leg!" See ya mom. Whatever.... Senor Smarty Pants goes at everything like he's killing snakes. He went out there immediately tryin to perform triple luxes, I could barely stand to watch him. I on the other hand. wanted to make this look good. I also didn't want to get hurt. Pain is not my thing. I must say I picked it up pretty quickly and mom says that I am a natural. Well of course mom. Aaron was a really good skater as well. It was really fun and I can't wait to go again. The town I am moving to in a few days has a ice skating rink and I plan on going a few times.

So I just felt like I needed to blog. I just seem to have so many thoughts running through my head and I can't seem to organize them. This is a warning, I have no idea where this blog post is going. Summer is basically over. I am moving in a few days and all of that has left me in a funk. The funk has gotten especially bad over the last 2 days.
My readers are probably beginning to think this whole being in a funk and uninspired thing is the usual. But it tis not my friends! While I may be chronically sarcastic and sassy, I am basically a genuinely happy person! This blog just catches me on my off moments. This summer I have worked in a small town about 6 miles away from my hometown. This town has a population of probably 100. If they are lucky. One of my tasks is to walk from the old school building where my office is located, down to the post office and get the mail. A distance of about 2.5 blocks. Go another block and you have come to the end of the town. While on these walks to get mail and drop mail off I have snooped around this near skeleton of a town. I have found that all the buildings have wonderful potential in my opinion. I have also looked down the streets and seen some houses with really great architecture. I have played pretend and I have successfully fixed up many of these properties. Complete with new paint jobs, windows, removal of trees, and new landscaping. I have also moved people in who care about their properties and the town. In my mind the town is now charming and lovely. Something like a Mayberry. Ya know?!
I as well have moved into this town. I live in a beautiful Craftsman bungalow style home. Some days it is a barely there blush pink with off white trim and others it is a more traditional, but still original and fun, craftsman color. Either way it highlights the comfy and warm craftsman architecture. I hope you enjoyed your escape to my pretend town. I get all caught up in the nostalgia there.
In real life, this town is really old and most of the residents are elderly people who probably saw this town when it was really kickin! The houses are really charming but just need some love. The trees are probably my favorite part. They are really tall and wonderful. The just add to the character. I am not completely blinded by love of this town. There is the occasional crack house. Ok, I don't know if they actually do crack there but some are sketchy, alright. For the most part people just live there. Its quiet, and I'm telling ya, the houses are cheap! I might buy one just for fun!
Well maybe I should spend more time in this town...it seems to inspire quite the blog posts!
My readers are probably beginning to think this whole being in a funk and uninspired thing is the usual. But it tis not my friends! While I may be chronically sarcastic and sassy, I am basically a genuinely happy person! This blog just catches me on my off moments. This summer I have worked in a small town about 6 miles away from my hometown. This town has a population of probably 100. If they are lucky. One of my tasks is to walk from the old school building where my office is located, down to the post office and get the mail. A distance of about 2.5 blocks. Go another block and you have come to the end of the town. While on these walks to get mail and drop mail off I have snooped around this near skeleton of a town. I have found that all the buildings have wonderful potential in my opinion. I have also looked down the streets and seen some houses with really great architecture. I have played pretend and I have successfully fixed up many of these properties. Complete with new paint jobs, windows, removal of trees, and new landscaping. I have also moved people in who care about their properties and the town. In my mind the town is now charming and lovely. Something like a Mayberry. Ya know?!
I as well have moved into this town. I live in a beautiful Craftsman bungalow style home. Some days it is a barely there blush pink with off white trim and others it is a more traditional, but still original and fun, craftsman color. Either way it highlights the comfy and warm craftsman architecture. I hope you enjoyed your escape to my pretend town. I get all caught up in the nostalgia there.
In real life, this town is really old and most of the residents are elderly people who probably saw this town when it was really kickin! The houses are really charming but just need some love. The trees are probably my favorite part. They are really tall and wonderful. The just add to the character. I am not completely blinded by love of this town. There is the occasional crack house. Ok, I don't know if they actually do crack there but some are sketchy, alright. For the most part people just live there. Its quiet, and I'm telling ya, the houses are cheap! I might buy one just for fun!
Well maybe I should spend more time in this town...it seems to inspire quite the blog posts!