I'm not a picky girl.
I'm pretty willing to try any item of food.
I kept hearing about Senor Smarty Pants' Grandma's Liver & Onions.
Finally over Spring Break I got to try it.
Maybe not the most appetizing picture.
But I then again I can't say liver is the most appetizing thing I've ever eaten.
Although I will admit it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I will say that I would eat it again. Not my favorite dish and I could easily see how it could go wrong- oh so very wrong but I would eat it again. The onions make the dish.
Yes, I ate organ meat...ok can't call it that anymore, I'm feeling queasy just typing it.
Senor Smarty Pants really likes liver. At the grocery store we saw that it was only $0.97...he's thinking he might just live on that next year. I have a different idea or two...
After the liver dish Grandma gave us Raspberry Sorbet, to cleanse our pallet. You see the liver taste has a funny way of hanging around in your mouth. This helped defeat that and it was just plain tasty!