

It's the Olympics' Fault

I didn't get to "mum's the word monday." OOPS!

I've been parked in front of the TV and distracted. Byyy the Olympics.

Distracted in the way that I think "Oh I need a shower-but the Olympics are on, it can wait." or "My beans really need picked-but the Olympics..." another personal favorite "I should probably have a real conversation with Senor Smarty Pants regarding how his day went and his overall well being-but the Olympics are on."

I'm not sure that last one counts though because he is just as enamored with them as I.

So I will leave you with a picture-in honor of "mum's the word monday." Have a great day!



Thrifty Thursday-On Friday!

Thriftier; Thriftiest 
1. Thriving by industry and frugality: prosperous. 

It's Thrifty Thursday, the time of the week where I share my thrifty finds from garage sales, antique shops, and of course thrift stores. 

Ever had one of those weeks where you just want to lay on the couch and eat Bing Cherries until you turn into one yourself? Just me? Well ok then, but seriously this has been one of those weeks I just can't seem to get my stuff together and the blog has suffered! But without further ado: 

I found these pretty batiks at a garage sale for $1 each! I'm not sure what I will end up making with them but I'm seeing some kind of paneled skirt with 3 of them. They were such a good deal and a great addition to my stash-I couldn't pass them up!



Thrifty Thursday

Thriftier; Thriftiest 
1. Thriving by industry and frugality: prosperous. 

It's Thrifty Thursday, the time of the week where I share my thrifty finds from garage sales, antique shops, and of course thrift stores. 

Sometimes I believe the Thrifty Nickel (aka the Thrift Shop) can read my mind. Like it knows me better than I know myself. They know how to price things, they know when and where to place things.  Sometimes I think the cleaner of the closet who sends their stuff just knows I will be in and I will pick their item up and appreciate it more than any other normal human being.

Sometimes I frighten myself with ramblings like this. But not today! Why you might ask? BECAUSE I just bought 888 (give or take) yards of twine! My mind is way too busy thinking of all the possibilities to be concerned with whatever other nonsense is rattling around up there. I'll keep you posted on what becomes of this fabulous find. 



It's Hot

It's warm outside. Really warm. I actually feel like I'm stepping into an oven when I step outside-having never actually stepped into an actual oven may not make me qualified to make such a statement but it's the one I'm going with. Other comparable feelings? Blowing yourself in the face with the blow dryer on high heat and high air. Sleeping in your Grandparents home, whom are 80 years old, in October-right around the time of frost-they think it's freezing, you think it's refreshing. Now there's a statement I'm qualified to make-been there done that.

I know most people in the country are whining about the heat. I know most people probably still enjoy it over the snow. But I'm tired. I'm tired of having grit in my teeth because of the dust blowing, I'm tired of not being able to wear my bangs down because they trap the heat, make me sweat, and then do this absolutely adorable thing of wigging out in all the wrong places. I'm tired of needing a shower after I take out the trash. I'm tired of feeling like a sweat factory. What a lovely and lady-like illustration.

I long to open my windows up again and feel the cool breeze blow in, ahh relief. I need to hear the crickets chirping and then the birds singing in the morning. Instead, all I hear is the buzz of fans and the window air conditioner as it tries to keep up with our 2nd story. By 9am I really don't even want to be on this story-because you guessed it-it's already too hot. The air is getting stale. I'm ready for a break.

Ok, I'm going to go get an ice cube now-if there is any left in the county.

Overly dramatic? What? Me? Never. 

But seriously it's hot.



Thrifty Thursdays

Thriftier; Thriftiest 
1. Thriving by industry and frugality: prosperous. 

It's Thrifty Thursday, the time of the week where I share my thrifty finds from garage sales, antique shops, and of course thrift stores. 

Tonight Senor Smarty Pants and I will be taking quick pics with Alli D. Just for something fun-she's got some really cute props and it should be fun. Plus its only $20. Can't get much more thrifty than that can ya?! 

Which brings me to my next little ditty. I'm the coordinator of the Main Street Market this year and Thursday evenings downtown C-town are full of produce, homemade ice cream, quick pics and other goodies. So come on down if you happen to be in the area!




Lately I've been looking up and saying, "Ok, now what?"

Ok, summer came and I enjoy my  job.

Ok, I have 1 year until I student teach.

Ok, I'm over the fact that school is taking much longer than it should have...kinda.

Ok, I'm thinking about going to grad school.

Ok, I'm thinking about making my own peanut butter.

Ok, I'm not really making any sense.

This is basically how I feel on a daily basis. One minute I cannot wait to be done with college, pay off my debt and move on with my life. The next minute the words "grad school" couldn't sound any sweeter. One day I'm thinking about going into counseling-the next, I'm reminded of how much the ideals of a Montessori type of education and school match up with my own. Then my passions for health and wellness and education on these topics decide to dance around in my head. I'm reminded of how strongly I feel and how utterly in awe I am with Birth, Midwifery, Breastfeeding, Parenting, and the list goes on. I am also enticed with the idea of being part of legislation-helping see through the changes I feel so passionately about, but one day I want to change the public school system and the next I want to recognize the practice of Midwifery in my great state. Then there's my "simple" side-I want to be a farmer-a homesteader.

Sometimes it really sucks to be such a scatterbrain. Sometimes I wish I was one-track minded. Then would all this be easier? Would I not get as worked up and stressed out as I do? Would I still look up and say "Ok now what?" Maybe so, maybe not. I saw a video once who had a kid wearing a T-shirt that said GENERAL ANXIETY DISORDER in large bold letters. He then peeled off the label and under it ready ACTIVIST. That video keeps going through my head but I don't really know why, specifically the part I just described. The first, second, and third time I watched it I got goosebumps. But again, I don't know how this is all really relevant, because well, I'm a scatterbrain. I'm in a sea of thoughts and wishing I could compartmentalize them better. Wishing I knew what my next move was, besides showing up for class in August. Wishing I could make it with a purpose and feel like I'm working towards a specific goal, instead of just floundering and looking up saying "Ok now what?"

I talk to people at school and they are doing this major for this reason and want to do such and such. They then ask me and I say uhh, well...and I manage to spit out something eloquent regarding the topics above, smile, and walk away wondering how in the world I came up with that and is this the one that's going to stick? The one that's going to make me feel like I'm doing, or working towards the right thing?

I can rest in the fact that my interests are in based in education in all facets. I feel so strongly in helping people be informed-wether it is guiding 4th graders to come to conclusions on their own or explaining the importance of reading empirical and unbiased research before you make a medical decision (nerd moment).

I can also rest in the word, something I need to be more deliberate in diving into. Proverbs 16:3 is the verse I had on my graduation announcements 3 years ago, before things got complicated upstairs and I need to be reminded that He hasn't changed. His promises remain the same-that's something else I can rest in, something I can find comfort in. So I will continue to commit and also continue to try to not lean on my own understanding. I will continue to talk about the things I'm passionate about-even if it pertains to a door knob because that's when I feel so alive, that's when I feel like I'm making more of a difference and helping fulfill my purpose---whatever it is.

But still...sometimes...



Slug Bug

I'm going out Garage Sale-ing this morning.

 Would I be disappointed if I came across something like this? Of course not! This thing is worth learning how to drive a stick shift. Let's hope Meg has this Bugs' twin waiting in the driveway just for little-ole-me!




Lookie at what we have here! The Zinnias are ready to bloom. They sure do brighten up the look of my garden.

I think I smile every time I go out there and see a new one blooming. It's just so refreshing to see the bright oranges, pinks, and purples amongst all the green. 



Thrifty Thursdays

Just another normal day at the thrift shop, listening to the ladies chat about the mother load of stuff that came in day, then I stumbled upon this-a vintage umbrella! I was thrilled. I'm always on the hunt for things like this. Some may call it junk-I won't necessarily disagree, I just happen to love junk. 




Eeek! The days' almost over! Happy Birthday to my Pops! Hope you had a wonderful day Dad! ...mmmm homemade fried chicken, homemade ice cream, and of course German Chocolate cake! I'm not sure I'll ever be hungry again!
