

A Lesson in Essential Oils

-Using oils while sleep deprived sometimes results in accidents that make Momma angry. Very angry.

-Don't tip the bottle of wild orange oil all the way over thinking that will get you one drop quicker.

-That will only get you 10 drops much too quickly. But you smell delicious.

- Always make sure the lids are screwed on tight, very tight.

-Pay special attention to this detail when using dropper caps.

-Ginger essential oil on baby's tummy does help with a tummy ache. Good to know.

-Ginger essential oil spilled on table and brand new, adorable girlie onesie not only stinks to high heaven but looks like a terrifying stain on said onesie.

-Lemon, oh lemon essential oil. I owe you. BIG.

-People. I put lemon all over on that nasty, scary, yellow stain, let it set for a few minutes. Threw the onesie in the washer and it came out- completely. I am amazed and relieved. Millie doesn't have a ton of girl clothes so to ruin one because of my carelessness was making me sick.

And thats this weeks lesson in essential oils.



20 days

As I sit here with my hair a bit more greasy than acceptable, a bra a little crustier than I'm comfortable admitting (breastfeeding is not glamorous), and a baby on my chest snoozing while trying to work a burp out I realize that I've had my Millie for 20 days. That doesn't seem possible yet it seems hard to believe that 20 days ago I was able to get multiple loads of laundry done in a day. I used to sleep all night...and most of the morning. It used to just be me and well Jerrel but we took care of ourselves and each other. Now there is this little, tiny, spunky, slightly high maintenance, sweet, beautiful being that requires us, our laundry time, and sleeping time. But thats ok. I think we will keep her. Savor her. Soak up all of her spunk, her sweetness, her noises-however unladylike they may be, and rejoice in this season.

So if my posts are a little random blame it lack of sleep and time. I'm busy just being Momma.



One Week Ago

One week ago I was 41 weeks and one day pregnant.

One week ago I was going in for some testing to make sure everything was ok with babe since I was "overdue."

One week ago I had a post I was going to publish about how dumb I thought these tests were and that my baby and I were fine-thank you very much. Typical stubborn me.

One week ago I had said tests and found out I was having regular contractions but didn't know it.

One week ago during an episode of Castle we decided we should probably head east.

One week ago Jerrel took an embarrassing picture of me trying to "gracefully" put on my moccasins while saying "This could be the last picture of you pregnant!"

One week ago we got to the birth center found out I was in fact in active labor.

One week ago I worked the hardest I ever have and maintained focus on Christ, baby, and body like I never have before.

And one week ago tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning I held this blessing in my arms for the first time.

My cup runneth over. 

Millie Eyvonne
March 4th, 2014 
8lbs 5 oz 20 inches
