Nothing has showcased my husbands and I's differences like parenting has.
That has been the tag line that has been running through my mind for the last few days. Today I finally decided that maybe I should take some time to write to see where that whole idea will go.
Nothing has showcased Jerrel and I's differences like parenting. In the almost five months that we have been on this journey and for the last almost 6 years that we have been a team we have noted differences. These differences are far from limited to the location of the toilet seat while in use. After we were married I continued to learn that sometimes-thankfully on little things-we are on totally different planets. Case in point: After the whole "Nah, I don't need a receipt." debacle of 2013 I've now trained my mouth to say "YES" to any cashier or fuel pump that politely asks me that question.
We have both tried to receive each others differences with open arms, make accommodations when possible, and walk away when probably best. This parent thing though seems to put a spotlight on many of our differences and the lack of rest, hormones, and emotions seem to magnify them. My husband makes my heart jump when he leans back in his chair with Millie. He thinks I'm ridiculous when picking out her outfits. Sometimes I snap at him for not moving quick enough in my eyes-when I know that that's his normal speed. Usually he doesn't understand my organization of her dresser and diapers. See what I mean?
Sometimes I'm afraid I have turned into this Momma Helicopter Bear- hovering over every move and over protecting- even with my wonderful, protective, patient, unconditionally loving baby daddy. Sometimes I worry I'm not giving him enough control because I feel like this "Momma thing" I've got. The whole parenting thing though? No, I NEED him and his weird voices, strong arms, and intelligent thoughts.
When I am weak he is strong, when he is distracted I am present. We fill and fit where we need and when we are on together is a wonderful thing-I think, ask Mills in 20 years.
So sometimes I'll admit it's frustrating seeing our differences showcased. I have thought before "We are supposed to do this together? Why can't he do things the same way?" However, that's not why God joined us, our differences are not meant divide us. As we go through this parenting partnership we continue to grow in our marriage relationship. Our differences are showcased like never before, but somehow in that same moment we are more united than we ever thought possible.
What a journey we are on.
Some Summer Finds
The last few weeks I have had the opportunity to collect some pretty cool finds. The Quaint Little Festival was first and then the next weekend an event called Junktoberfest offered another opportunity to look at one of a kind items and just some plain old junk.
So I decided to do a roundup of sorts and share my finds and their makers facebook pages.
First up is my tin Nebraska from Modern Vintage Boutique. I had seen their stuff before but couldn't decide what to buy. I loved the tin Nebraska and decided at the festival on a medium sized one. Sure I could probably wrangle someone 'round these parts to make me one. But would it be on my mantle by now? Nope. The piece of tin is full of character-I love it!
There was all kinds of pretty jewelry at the festival But these earrings by Mesmire caught my attention. They are pieces that I can wear in my everyday life and are classy-quirky.
The following weekend we went to Junktoberfest. I was in the mood to buy...but I didn't know what. I tried to buy a bookshelf but it didn't fit in my moms win some you lose some. But I did find two nice pieces.
This piece is by The Daily Doodler. The colors are fun and the design is simple with interesting details. My laundry room has red curtains and is in general brighter lending itself to lots of fun colors (maybe a distraction technique from the walls that are begging to be freshened up? Anyway...)
I had this frame with a picture of Millie in it but I was always unsure if the two styles went well together. But I LOVE my bike drawing in it, hung right above my washer it's a wonderful addition to the room. I'm kinda wanting another one for my bathroom now...
And finally probably the find of the summer. A globe! I had been on the hunt for a long time. But I hadn't been able to find one that had a metal base, or the right patina, or the right price. Basically I was being picky and paitent. It's my prerogative! Well it was worth the wait. I found this globe with a light...does that make it a lamp? I paid $8 and the lady said she didn't know if it worked. I figured if it didn't it wouldn't be much to get it rewired anyway and if it did work well, SCORE! So SCORE! Put in a lightbulb plugged it in and it about lights up the room. Now to just figure out what to put in that awkward slot...I have envelopes in it now. But we don't really need envelopes in our living room.
Yes that is a giant Webster's Dictionary. Thank you for asking. It cost me $3.
So some good finds and good fun. I love finding unique goods and one of a kind pieces made by talented people.
Until the next find...
5 Generations
When we found out that we were going to become a family of 3 we knew it was an awesome blessing. We already knew that Millie was a big deal to us but as it turns out she's a big deal to her fathers's side of the family as well. Millie makes 5 generations and that my friends isn't something that you see everyday.
Great-Great Grandma Woods, Millie, Jerrel, Gramatica Sandy and Great Grandma Carol. |
Four Months of Millie
First off, Happy Fourth of July! My Grandma always used to say, and still does- "When the Fourth gets here it's like summer is over." That used to make me cringe. I didn't want summer to end, I didn't want to go back to school. But this year? Well, I don't have to go back to school. I feel I can officially enjoy the Fourth of July! Plus I kinda feel like summer just started. Ever since I had a baby time does weird tricks. ANYWAY, Millie is 4 months old today. FOUR, CUATRO, QUATRE. No matter how you say it- it's exciting.
Sister is doing all kinds of fun things. Let's take a look!
Baby still takes a bath in a bowl. Maybe because Momma wants her to. Sometimes baths are late...and so sometimes we see thumb sucking and trying to lay down during the bath. It's cute.
Don't worry though, she still had plenty of energy to scoot and get into things. Anyone else having to babyproof their house because of the 3 month old? Just me?
We have been using a PeanutShell sling these days and are really enjoying it-finally! A trip to the grocery store as a family went awesome because of this contraption and my arms didn't suffer because Mills needs to be held all the time. It was wonderful, she feel asleep, awww... my peaceful sleeping baby.
"Ohhh Momma I like when you ride in the back and talk with me."
And after a quick "costume" change the girl is ready for her closeup...again.
My sweet, sweet baby girl. 4 months old. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Baby proofing tips? I think I will be needing them sooner rather than later.
Can't wait to see what the next months brings!
Sister is doing all kinds of fun things. Let's take a look!
Oy. A long nap where your head scooted to the carpet leaves a gnarly carpet mark.
Anyone else pronounce the "g" in gnarly in their head?

We attended a friends wedding. It was fun to get all dressed up. Millie got to watch her parents show off their dance skills and I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle, or two, or three.
Baby still takes a bath in a bowl. Maybe because Momma wants her to. Sometimes baths are late...and so sometimes we see thumb sucking and trying to lay down during the bath. It's cute.
Then Sister sometimes doesn't really want to go bed. Thankfully this usually happens when Dad is home. That's when Daddy-daughter time happens until Millie goes to sleep. I snapped this picture right before I went to bed. So thankful for Jerrel...and sleep.

One of the headlines this month was that unfortunately Millie got a cold. See the watery eyes, and runny nose? It was sad and no fun. We ended up taking her to the Doctor after one morning of scary croup-like coughing and gasping for air. Dr. diagnosed a cold...and cuteness. Felt a little silly after that-taking my kid to the Doctor for a cold? Who am I? We were told to just nurse a lot, love a lot, and wait it out. So that's what we did. Millie showed improvement that afternoon, naturally. Thankfully she was relatively good natured through the whole cold experience.
Oils used FYI: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Frankincense and Melaleuca
Don't worry though, she still had plenty of energy to scoot and get into things. Anyone else having to babyproof their house because of the 3 month old? Just me?
We had our first parade experience. This was about how excited Millie was. She did warm up to the idea after a bit. peaceful sleeping baby.
Dad's girls in our sunglasses. I love Millie's sunglasses. Little diva. Ok, nope. Don't want my daughter to think or act like a diva...or a princess but that'a another post. Anyway, She's cute in the glasses and hat. Please ignore the peeling paint and other non-pretties. Focus on the baby...the baaaaby.
We have been using a PeanutShell sling these days and are really enjoying it-finally! A trip to the grocery store as a family went awesome because of this contraption and my arms didn't suffer because Mills needs to be held all the time. It was wonderful, she feel asleep, awww... my peaceful sleeping baby.
Another headline story is that we found our cheek-I know big! Millie is constantly putting her hands on her cheek these days. And the tongue. She found it and loves it.
A baby in a robe...need I say more?
Hands are tasty.
I've been snuggling my baby even more this last month. Cherishing her sweetness while she sleeps.
Millie has officially been given a chore: holding our stuff. It's high time she earns her keep around here. Soon we will be able to sit back and relax while she hauls in groceries. We began her training with our water bottles.

My baby looks like a big person in this. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Wait, yes I am. Moving on.
We spend about on day a week in my mom's salon. Just hanging out, chatting with clients, and rearranging merchandise. Maybe MIllie is a marketing scheme. Who knows, who cares! This week an old friend came to see us. It was so nice to catch up and Millie loved her and listening to us chat.
Now, let me show you a Millie home photoshoot montage. The spectacular quilt is by a family friend named Sharon. The quilt is called, "Millies' Pinwheels and Polka Dots." It was just the sweetest gift and Mills loves the colors.
Drool bucket.
Her sweet baby sounds are getting louder and sweeter. She talks back to us and it's just precious. We have also heard her giggle a few times. Sometimes at things that aren't really funny, like Momma dropping a jar and cursing. She doesn't laugh much though, smile much-YES. Laugh-sometimes. We have also seen a glimpse of a temper, arching of back and grunts like she is just plain mad. We try not to giggle.
Ok, enough with the paparazzi Ma!
Millie has also got to her knees and her elbows and been rocking back and forth. I heard tell these are signs of crawling. Grreeaat. Our girls' ready to be on the move!
From 3 months to 4 months. Getting so big! I should really try to take the picture at the same angle...but that would require thought and planning and I'm more of a "fly by the seat of your pants" kind of girl these days. Plus I'm more entertaining to Millie when I'm all over the room!

My sweet, sweet baby girl. 4 months old. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Baby proofing tips? I think I will be needing them sooner rather than later.
Can't wait to see what the next months brings!
It's a Grandpa's Birthday!
Happy birthday to my Dad and Millie's Grandpa. A Grandpa who makes you giggle like this...
is a good guy and doing his job!
Happy Birthday Dad, we love you! Now, lets eat some cake.
is a good guy and doing his job!
Happy Birthday Dad, we love you! Now, lets eat some cake.