Every year when our anniversary rolls around I go through our wedding pictures. Each and every one. Oooing and awwing over the moments captured in time. It's funny though, each year different photos speak to me. Something to do with the stages we are currently in or the moments the photos represent. This year this simple stunning black and white spoke, loud and clear.
Spoke of the simple, Biblical vows we recited and the way we held on to each other that day. The sunlight shining down and the frigid wind that blew the skirt of my dress and made me scoot closer to Jerrel in my silk gown. The drape of the shawl he lovingly made for me and the silly suitcase that wouldn't stay open. And you can't seem him but Tim, our pastor is there. Captivating us with yet another message, but this one maybe the most important we had heard from him yet.
That one little picture says all that. Who knew.
And now here we are.
Not near as dolled up. Not quite as fresh. But just as happy and thankful to be in this place today, with him. Each year is together is to be celebrated, so Happy Anniversary to the one who's love, patience, and devotion to us and our family seems to know no bounds.
Here's to another year with you.