

My Mind-Blog Mode

I am officially a blogger. This first post has me does one exactly start a blog? I mean obviously i know the logistics of starting a blog, getting a gmail account, thinking of a name, and gaining the courage to write your thoughts and share happenings of you with the blog world blah blah blah. But this first post...what do you write? I don't have any pictures to share right I introduce myself...probably not since I honestly think I will have all of 1 person look at this blog. But, maybe I suppose, more may visit....Over the last few days of this blogs development I have somewhat built up the "hype" (to myself naturally) this entry needs to be goood. Needs to set the tone for the rest of my blog. Oh goodness.... So what else shall I type about?

How did I come to the blog world? Well i have 2 cousins that have blogs that thank thanks to facebook I learned about and soon became a frequent visitor of both. From there it just grew. They shared blogs that they thought were interesting and so I checked them out and so on and so forth. For the last few weeks I have been thinking about starting a blog and what some interesting blog topics would be. Then I watched Julie and Julia and the desire grew.

The last straw though, was another blog. This blog was speaking about how this young woman was just meant to blog. She found herself narrating her day, trying to make blog posts out oh her daily happenings, but the real kicker, how she was as a child. She had said that as girl she was constantly imagining situations. THIS WAS ME. I cannot count the number of times I put on layers upon layers of my play clothes. And fyi these were no Disney Princess play clothes. No way Jose I didn't want to be a princess. I wanted to be a pioneer woman. A mother of many children who had to raise said children in the wilderness that was the wind break behind my childhood home. I wanted to be a traveler, a teacher, a real woman. This continued until I was probably too old to be playing these games. But there is a point to this. I have so many things that pop into my head and this seems like a perfect outlet. If I had had a blog as a child I more than likely would have came in after I was finished playing and wrote down the events. That would have been a great post eh?!

So now my mind is in "Blog Mode" I see things in blog. I think in blog. But right now I should probably get off this blog and study...


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