

The Wisdom Teeth Saga

Here I am sitting in my recliner with a bag of frozen peas in between my shoulder and cheek

Well I have done it. Something that I have seriously dreaded for years and honestly never really thought I would actually do. Those of you who know me have seen my large pearly whites. Big teeth run in my family. Mouths in the Jones family is what makes us all look similar. Its the English in us. These teeth have caused me some pain over the years and my mother literally thousands of dollars. I got braces in the 3rd grade and got them off in the 8th. Yes, 5 years of brace-face, railroad tracks, blah blah blah. But once those babies came off they were perfection, if I do say so myself. And my momma is even more proud of em! My teeth were always a few years ahead of my age. That is part of the reason I got braces when I was only 9-my teeth were what a normal 12 year olds looked like.

Once those braces came off the next worry came to mind. Wisdom Teeth. I knew these little friends would be moving in soon simply because its how my mouth works. Well they started coming in and my dentist told me that I needed to look into getting them out. I told myself that I wasn’t going to have to get them out. No way jose. That would hurt and I didn’t need that. But then they started to hurt off and on. Then came the headaches. I couldn’t take it anymore. Plus the bottom one on my left side was laying sideways sooo...that one was going to have to come out anyway so I might as well have them all out. So thats what I did. My oral surgeon was confident without being arrogant, friendly, and I instantly trusted him. That was a good feeling. So here is a recap on the last few days.

Day 1- On my way to surgery I felt like vomiting but was starving at the same time. I had held in my emotions all week-until I got in the operating room....then I sobbed. Thankfully the nurse just put my IV in and knocked me out so I couldn’t cry too long. Next thing I knew I was crawling in a wheel chair going to recovery. Apparently the 1st thing I said when I woke up was “I get to see Senor Smarty Pants today!” ( I did use his real name.) I believe I said this statement many more times with the gauze in my mouth., to anyone who would listen. When my parents came into the room I was told that I said “Its over mom! Praise God its over!” My hands were in the air while saying this...oh goodness. I was so much happier while under the influence and my parents asked if they could have more of that stuff. Thanks mom and dad. I did throw up twice. I know you all wanted to know that. But those episodes where due to getting up too fast, I think, I was ready to go! My equilibrium was all off. Overall I felt good and the much anticipated visit from Senor Smarty Pants helped so much, especially when he came bearing a gift. :)

Day 2- Still feeling pretty good actually. Im tired and my face is starting to swell. I still have yet to feel much pain at all. I really want to brush my teeth but not yet. I miss brushing my teeth desperately. When the doctor took my teeth out he stitched it up making like a button hole. These holes must be flushed out after I eat. Not fun. We have a little syringe that we put salt water in and then we flush it out. It sucks, not literally obviously its quite the opposite. But its not fun. Kaleb and his woman, Taylor came to visit me today. I love visitors!

Day 3- Well they were right-pain. Day 3 after surgery has often been said to be the worst. But this pain is not unbearable by any means. I took one half of my pain killers this morning and then a half an hour later took another half as I was instructed, but that was a bad idea. I was dizzy, nauseous, and then had cramps. I will have to be hurting pretty bad before I take another Percocet. Once all that wore off I was feeling pretty ok with just Advil. My recliner and I are getting to know each other real well.

Day 4- Woke up with my mouth hurting again, but less hurt than yesterday morning. Its so refreshing to have progress. Ate some oatmeal and took some stuff to help the pain. Dad suggested we look into marijuana to help my pain. He figured since we are so very close to the Colorado border that surely it would be fine. He stated that Nebraska and Colorado are like cousins so its a family thing. Sometimes I wonder where he comes up with this stuff. But we didn’t take him up on his idea. Bags of peas still give me the most comfort and Senor Smarty Pants says I look more swollen in the mirror than in real life- he’s so sweet..... But in all seriousness I’m not really that swollen I was expecting a lot worse. The Food Network Channel is keeping me company today.

Day 5- Well they hurt again today. I keep saying that my teeth hurt but really its the lack of teeth that are getting to me! Just keep popping the pills. I don’t have much to say today except I can’t wait until I feel better allllllll better! I'll check in some other time to letcha know when I'm better!


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