Catching Up...Vacation #2...

Catching Up...Vacation #1...

Catching Up...Circus!

Even When the Miles are Many...

Cornflower is Way too Mellow
Twenty in 'Tember
Tomorrow is my 20th birthday. It's weird. As a kid I thought of 20 as a "Golden Age." It meant you were an adult, you looked like an adult, you acted like an adult, you dressed like an adult. You did adulty things like, having a job, a family, your own pet. Ya get the picture.
Funny thing is, well, I feel I look like a 14 year old. I will say that I try to act my age...ok...maybe older (crocheting on a Saturday night is not the typical night of fun for chicks my age..) Some of my favorite items to wear are barrettes from when I was 7. I currently am unemployed, and I can't even commit to buying a turtle. Basically what I am saying is I don't think I'm really ready to turn 20! But tomorrow is coming...soon!
And I have a present sitting across the room from my mom to open tomorrow and Senor Smarty Pants seems like he's up to something so it should be an interesting day! :)
E Pie's Big Surprise!
Now, I'm going to let you in on a little secret, ok its not really that big of a secret or a surprise, but I have never really been that into it. I mean I'm proud when they do well and I think it's a really great tradition and everything, it is one thing that basically the whole state can truly come together and agree on. I have been told that there is nothing like the Husker atmosphere at a game. Professional sports announcers on the T.V. have told me this, so it must be true right?! But, I'm just not all that into sports. I'll watch, but if there is something on the Food Network that looks more entertaining, well, I'm gonna flip it.
My family has very deep roots in Nebraska. But, I'm afraid we, the children of, two Nebraska natives hold a deep dark secret. We have never been to a Husker game! OH! NO! AH! My parents went to a few when they were younger. Ya know, before they were so tied down....Anyway we have never been. A and I never really have been too worried about it. I always thought it looked fun but I wasn't going to really beg to go. But E, we don't really know where he came from. He is obsessed with sports. He eats, drinks, sleeps, and breathes sports. Pretty much all kinds, all the time. So, naturally he is a massive Husker fan! E has had one wish his whole life, and every birthday since he knew the Skers existed, he has asked for one thing, to go to a Husker football game. My dad always has reasons on why this year just won't work, tickets are hard to come by, expensive or home games fall on Saturdays when he has to work, or has other projects going.
Well, the other day a family member who has season tickets (they are quite abundant in our area) approached my mom about 2 tickets they were not using this weekend. Mom said YES without even asking dad. After telling dad he could put it off no longer, he was taking E to the Nebraska vs. Idaho game they decided to find two more tickets for A and Mom to go along and then surprise E with the ticket a day before the game. I wish I could have been there. I actually found myself getting teary as my mom told me over the phone how they gave him the ticket. Here's the story:
E asked for 5 dollars to eat on at the hometown football game. Mom laid the ticket under the 5 dollar bill. E picked up the money and then said, "What's this?... Are you serious right now?! This is so soon, this is this weekend! Are you kidding me?!" You couldn't wipe the smile off his face! Then the chatter started, that's what E does when he is excited. Talk, talk, and talk. I am so excited for him. I know he is looking more forward to this game than anything he ever has had! I don't even care that I don't get to go. I am so happy for him. I just said they had to get me a cute Husker shirt, because I don't own one...OH! NO! AH! :) Have fun E Pie!
But while in this frustration with my classes I found myself thankful. Actually thankful that I had went to CCC last year because of the classes I had taken. Riveting Phycology classes, and wonderful Introduction to Teaching classes. Classes that showed me I was in fact, in the right major. I have the sinking feeling that had I not been at CCC I would not have taken the classes I did, therefor not knowing that Education is such an excellent place for me and the passion that I truly have for it. Had I went to a larger college I believe the advisor would have put me in more General Education classes, like I am enrolled in now. I love to learn and I love education but these classes don't inspire me and for me that is so important. I know I would have become frustrated and then probably changed my major....(who knows...something random). Or I would have even quit. I don't quit much but, when you are dealing with the kind of money that I am spending but don't really have, it would be easy to justify to move on to somewhere else and something else.
If you look at the classes that actually pertain to my particular major it amounts to about 2 years of work. But because the whole college system strives to make "well-rounded people" they fill your other 2 years with classes such as Macro Economics, where the teacher just talks and talks and continues to talk and you have no clue what he just said. Or another personal favorite, Math. Now I understand completely that math is extremely important, I can add, subtract, blah, blah, blah, I can do many higher level things as well. But to my little "use time wisely" mind most of things covered in my class seem....well to not be using my time wisely when I want to teach children below the 2nd grade. This may sound ignorant. Oh well. From what I can see, while they are exposing me to different subjects (aka making me take these classes I don't care about) I am seeing how much I absolutely don't like these subjects, coulda done without that knowledge. Thats the kind of well-roundedness they are implementing in this chick. I consider my self very well rounded. I guess I wasn't aware though that I was actually going to college to become well-rounded . I think that should counted as another degree and listed on my diploma as well as my Education degree. I guess everyone is double majoring. Ok my rant is finished...for today.