I know that I shared with you that I went on a Vacation this summer and I told you all about my 1st skate but I didn't share any of the other photos that we took while in Steamboat. While looking at these it really made me miss Colorado. This is the longest span I have ever been away from at least a view of the mountains! Mom and Dad had been to Steamboat before and they had went on a walk at Fish Creek Falls about 20 years ago and so they wanted to take us there! It was beautiful. But the most impressive thing to me....they get at least 14 feet of snow up there during the winter. The city depends on it heavily, it is their main water source. They have all kinds of wildlife as well up there. Senor Smarty Pants and I are thinking we need to check out the slopes up there soooooon!

It was a really beautiful walk. We got to see so many different views of the mountains and the waterfall.

I love the Aspen Trees, my Grandparents have been out there in their 5th wheel for about 2 weeks now, they say the Aspens have been changing and are spectacular.
This picture makes me sad. See all the dead trees? The Mountain Pine Beetle is killing so many of the trees and there is really no way to control it because of the emense amount of trees. It is especially bad in the Breckenridge area.
These are my men... err... boys. They are so fun. :)
At one point I turned around and A had decided to do a little rock climbing.
Oh E!
The calf scramble. The kids were so cute!
Another Skating picture. It was so fun! All four of us are in this one.
Ok, here is our scandalous part of the trip. Steamboat Springs has its name for a reason, for the natural hot springs. We decided to find them. They are in the middle of nowhere, up a little road. We get there and we see the sign. Admission-not too bad but then read the bottom of the sign. We heard tell of a story of some shenanigans of some people from my hometown...after dark. Yikes.
This place was kinda strange. The pools were really hot! They are not kidding when they call them hot springs. I felt like it was some hippie retreat and it kinda was. But it was still pretty cool, but I was extremely happy we were not there after dark! They had a massage therapist giving free massages. I decided the dead of winter with those 14 feet of snow would be and awesome time to go!
This is where the water came from, no one was permitted up there. I cannot imagine how hot that water was if the pools almost burned my feet when I first stepped in.
One day we went to a botanical garden. I loved it. I love plants, as you know, and Colorado always has beautiful foliage.

As we always do when we are anywhere in Colorado we did some Alpine Sliding. So fun! Scooters on tracks down the slopes....what could be more fun?! Just keep all appendages in!
It was a really great Vacation!
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