

Spring has Sprung?

Ok Ok...I know its January 28th. But it is supposed to get up to 55 today and I got a little something in the mail and its making me all confused! You know I love winter and I'm not so crazy about 110 degree weather at all but I am ready to get out to my little garden patch....

The Gurney's Seed Catalog came in the mail! You should have seen the way I poured over this thing...and still do. Does that make me a real gardener? ...I don't know maybe! Some of the produce in the running...

I would love to try a plant or two of Heirloom tomatoes. They are so pretty...remember that is the #1 criterion for making it into my garden! Plus they are always being used on the Food Network.

Jalapenos...cause Senor Smarty pants, my dad, my brothers and I love Jalaepeno poppers.

 Mom tried to grow peanuts one year and would like to try again. I'm liking that idea.

 Then came the weakness. I want to grow them ALL. I have even asked mom where else I could grow flowers....

 A whole section on different hybrids of SUNFLOWERS. My favorite! Look at the dwarf ones in the bottom right corner!

 These are called Dinner Plate are these cool... :)

Finally maybe the coolest thing in the whole catalog. A coffee plant! I might have to get this for a house plant naturally. 

Ok so I know probably not the most interesting post. But I'm itching to get out there! I'm excited to make my own little world again out west of the house, the land of vegetables and tall flowers. Come on Spring! 


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