

question of the day:

The thought provoking question of the day from a 6 year old:
         "Jess, why do they call them doors? I mean, I know why they call these seat belts, because they kinda look like belts and they are on seats. But doors?" 
I didn't have an answer. But I just googled it.

Webster's Dictionary says: 
Middle English dure, dor, from Old English duru door & dorgate; akin to Old High German turi door, Latin fores, Greekthyra
First Known Use: before 12th century

You know, he kinda has a point. 




Senor Smarty Pants and I are different. Quite a bit different and not just because we are obviously different people, we just have very different personalities. Wondering how many times I am going to use the word "Different?" Me too! 

He is patient ~ I am .....demanding
He is lanconic ~ I am wordy 
He is quiet ~I need to be heard 
He lines up his shoes and their laces parallel every time he takes them off~ it was too much work just typing that task...obviously I do not! 

He eats the bowl of ice cream on the left and I eat the one on the right. 

He flosses everyday~ I do it every three months-maybe
He is good at Math~ I am not
He balances his checkbook~I rely on online banking 

But probably one of my favorite differences:
     He remembers the pork tenderloin served at my cousins wedding 3 years ago. I remember the adorable tissue paper flowers hanging from the ceiling.

And just for good measure- I love that we are so different. 



C is for Camping

Senor Smarty Pants and I went on a bit of an adventure. We both genuinely enjoy our brothers, we like spending time with them and think they are funny. So we wanted to go camping with all of them. When I shared this idea I was met with an enthusiastic YES! We were missing one of Senor Smarty Pant's brothers, he didn't seem to get the picture or care that we actually wanted to spend a weekend camping with him. (his priorities are a bit mixed up- girl issues) Anyway we had fun and I actually would be very willing to do it again very soon! I liked my role as "Den Mother"! 

A burnt and blistered hot dog...a camping staple. 

A new camping staple: banana sliced in half, put marshmallow and chocolate chips in the middle wrap in foil and put over fire and check, when the goods are melty they are done. Soo Good! 

mmm coffee in a tin mug. 

time to fish!

Lucy came too! 

Burnt blistered marshmallow-another camping staple.

My boys and their camp. It was a good time. Thanks for coming boys!


Set Apart

I recently finished a book called "Set Apart Femininity" I completely stumbled upon it. When I picked it up (because of the pretty cover) I felt a tug on my heart to buy it. I don't know what I was expecting it to be really, but it was pretty different than anything I have ever read. While it was telling me things I knew and so many moments were "duh Jess" moments, I think God lead me to this book because my heart was ready to hear them, to absorb them and to become them. So many moments were also "Aha" moments, moments of complete clarity. When I knew who, with Gods grace, I wanted to become, to glorify Him.

One of these things included the Hollywood industry. I'm not a huge movie fan (short attention span). But anyway, this industry is really dirty, for lack of a better word. Many movies are glorifying sin in so many ways, even in the titles. So many people just watch films with the mentality of "Well I don't believe in that, or agree with it but I'll still watch it." But the author Leslie challenged that mentality. Saying why would we even let such trash into our hearts and minds? Why do we try to justify it? We are just asking for trouble,. Inviting Satan in, to camp out for a while. Leslie shared an experience she had with a friend who was having terrible nightmares. They got together to talk about the problem, the friend told Leslie that she had just come from a movie, when asked, it was revealed it had been some awful gory film. No wonder! This is an idea that I knew to be true but I was delusional to think that just because I didn't agree with something it was "ok" to tolerate, view or listen to it. I had a tendency to justify.

This idea was challenged this week when I heard that a movie that glorifies an awful mess of sin was in the theatre. I heard of some people going and what I had learned and read in the book came to my mind. I decided I would not be glorifying the Lord if I was to view any of this movie, not that I was planning on it, but I don't ever want to see any miniscule amount of this film. I do not want or need more trash, there is more than enough of that to go around, believe me. I don't want to make decision as a mediocre Christian woman. I want the Lord to guide me to be "Set Apart", to glorify him, because that is why I am here.


racky ric-rac roses

While I was blog surfing the other day I found a genius idea to make some flowers with Ric-Rac, felt, and a button. Since then I have been busy making these:

Cute huh?! To finish and make into a hair clip you simply take another circle of felt cut a slit toward the middle/outside, slip a little alligator clip in and hot glue it to the flower. Pretty slick. 
Well I bought some Ric-Rac but I've already went through all that.

Then mom came home yesterday with this Thrift Store find:

Ric-Rac in all sorts of fun colors! 50 cents for all of it!
I'm tellin' ya my momma is the best thrifter. 



This was my surprise as I was pulling weeds:
A giant zucchini! 
The plant isn't very large and I didn't know it was trying to produce! 
Zucchini bread anyone? 
But boy it is really working now, there are more growing.
And my zinnias...well they are so...
 close to all being bright beautiful flowers. 
This stage of my garden is one of my favorites. Things are filling in and I can see that things are starting to produce and thrive. It's quickly becoming my little oasis. 



Today is Dads birthday. I won't tell you how old he is but it has a 4 and a 6 in it. :) Anyway. He loves German Chocolate Cake. So yup you guessed it I decided to make one from scratch. So I have a giant mess and a cake in the oven all before 10. Productive or nutso? 
Either way, Happy Birthday Dad!