


Senor Smarty Pants and I are different. Quite a bit different and not just because we are obviously different people, we just have very different personalities. Wondering how many times I am going to use the word "Different?" Me too! 

He is patient ~ I am .....demanding
He is lanconic ~ I am wordy 
He is quiet ~I need to be heard 
He lines up his shoes and their laces parallel every time he takes them off~ it was too much work just typing that task...obviously I do not! 

He eats the bowl of ice cream on the left and I eat the one on the right. 

He flosses everyday~ I do it every three months-maybe
He is good at Math~ I am not
He balances his checkbook~I rely on online banking 

But probably one of my favorite differences:
     He remembers the pork tenderloin served at my cousins wedding 3 years ago. I remember the adorable tissue paper flowers hanging from the ceiling.

And just for good measure- I love that we are so different. 


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