It's been 3 weeks since our reception. How does that happen? Where has the time gone? But I am finally getting around to sharing with you "The best reception in history of receptions."
Those are the critics words-not mine. That would be rather presumptuous of me to say such a thing. For the record Jerrel and I agree with the much so it's like they took the words out of our mouths. Weird.
It all started about a year ago. No ring, just a glimmer in my eye. Mom and I were at the Holbrook school because they also have a thrift shop there and we snuck into the gym. I knew it was a cool space-I used to work in an office in the school. So I had to show mom. We both looked around and thought "We can do something with this! "
The brick, the stage, the bleachers, the old wood floors, give so much more warmth and character than any big metal community building could ever do in the area.
So we were sold and we immediately started planning how we were going to fit the people and how we could make it look pretty.
And make it look pretty we did. My years of collection was packed into 4 large totes and hauled east. And when we started unpacking I thought I had totally lost my mind. It looked like a thrift store. But I took a deep breath and started arranging and placing. And just like I knew it would-it all worked.
We made burlap runners. Collected silver trays from thrift shops. Used mom's collection of blue jars. Bought candles with Hobby Lobby Coupons. Covered canning jars with lace, ribbon, bows, fabric, paper flowers, burlap, etc. Made kraft paper cards that had quotes and scripture on them. Scoured the Target dollar aisle. And picked up anything at stores like Hobby Lobby and Shirley K's that looked like it belonged. All to make the collections I was envisioning on my tables. I wanted it to look full, homey, and like it was ever evolving. And we got it.
Because we fancy ourselves to be creative we decided to buy loose flowers and arrange them ourselves in the blue mason jars and mercury glass vases. Thankfully my aunt came and helped us get those together. And then I forgot to get any pictures of them. But the flowers seriously made the place go to a whole other level. It was so beautiful. And we used them all! It was like a flower shop in there, I loved it.
Our dance floor. Recognize the lanterns? And those chairs were for our "Wall Flowers" clever huh?
And those basketball hoops. What to do, what to do? We hung a chandelier from the one by the entrance.
Oh yes we did! It worked perfectly because as you walked it you couldn't see the hoop, just this fancy dancy chandelier. Classy.
As any event has a hiccup, ours came with the cake. I wanted a square bottom, cylinder middle, and round top. With buttercream icing in a pretty shade of peach, all using the same tip for frosting application. Well the cake fell on the way to the school, the baker had to go back to get extra supplies. Time was moving quickly and it had to be what it was. So the whole evening the cylinder kept leaning and leaning, until my aunt caught it as it was falling. Good thing for extra sheet cakes. So this is what we got to take home:
Bucket Cake! Perfect for sitting in front of the Tv with a spoon.
It was seriously delicious wedding cake though, no matter how it looked. But our other food, Baked Potato Bar with all the fixings, pasta salad, caesar salad, and fruit salad made up for the cake-tastrophe. DELICIOUS and pretty.
Overall we wanted to people to feel relaxed at home yet celebrating life, love, and the beautiful thing God created-Marriage. We achieved it. In the most wonderful way.
We owe thanks to so many, Annie and Keri for coming to help decorate. Sandy, Jake, Aaron, and Evan for taking time off work to help get the place put together. And my Mom for keeping things moving and her ultimate creative spirit. She knew what I wanted even when I wasn't sure. Also everyone who helped clean up the next day. Not the fun job. Couldn't have done it without everyone.
I certainly didn't get enough pictures of the event but I know some other people did. Namely my cousin-who surprised me with her attendance! So thankful! You can check out her photos of the evening on her blog and a link to her shutterfly album here:
Prairie Girl Meets Big City. Thanks Nat!
What a party!