Today our Millie is 1 month old. Which doesn't feel possible. So I've decided to do a small recap of the last month.
One month ago Millie was born. I'll be posting her birth story sooner or later-hopefully sooner. After she was born we decided to camp out at my parents house for a night...that turned into more than one night.... So grateful they were willing to have us, the full house and extra help was so nice.
We stayed in my brothers room since my old room has been demoted to a twin sized bed.

While at Grandma and Grandpas she got lots of cuddles and ooed and awwed over constantly. The way it should be. We also went and visited her other grandparents and met two more stinky uncles. Such a blessing to be so close to family. In the last month it has been totally reaffirmed as to why we live close to family.
After a few nights I decided we couldn't stay there forever. So we went home and found our new normal.
This is Millie's bill payin' baby wearing daddy.
Millie's dad will do anything for her and I. I sometimes feel like I'm not doing enough because he is so willing and wonderful about doing whatever needs done. I could not do this without him.
Speaking of dad, he can calm Sweet Pea when she's in a tizzy. She loves to look at him while he's talking. She seems to sleep the soundest on his chest. Long story short-baby girl already is in love with dad.
Jerrel went back to work last week. It was hard, 3 nights in a row. He got to see us everyday for about an hour but every time Millie was asleep, when they finally saw each other, they were two peas in a pod. She looked at him and listened to his voice so intently.

Before baby was born I found a fabulous photographer that was looking for a newborn model. I filled out the form and we were chosen. Then after meeting my baby I realized that this shoot might be interesting. Millie is observant and alert. Photographer preferred her to sleep. Not my child. 5 hours later we were leaving with our bright eyed girl who was sick of trying to be put to sleep and posed. But we did get some beautiful shots.
When Jerrel went back to work we decided to sleep over at my parents house. My mom has a thing about giving babies baths so we took a bath. Plus when spit up is getting all caught up in your neck folds it's probably not a bad idea.
This is how we know Millie is really OUT. She gets that open mouth sleeper thing from her Momma. Sorry 'bout it.
Since the day Millie was born she has had the biggest yawn. It takes her whole face to yawn. It's adorable and usually makes her mad.
We hang out in our jammies pretty much everyday. We like to be comfy. However, we did go out on a limb and wear a dress last week to go shopping for Momma's new RECLINER.
Side note: we all love Momma's new recliner!
So serious, I'm certain she is already smarter than us.
Sweet Pea is also getting so much better at focusing. She will now follow us with her eyes and we are starting to see more expressions.
And her feet. Well, her feet are still the cutest thing on the planet.
Mille really is so beautiful. I'm anxious to hear her birth story!
ReplyDeleteThank you Nancy!