Baby Girl is two months old today. TWO MONTHS! I know I will think this every time but where has the time gone? Somehow between changing diapers, burping burps, and smiling smiles another month has passed and I couldn't be any happier to show off some photos of my sweet Mills from the last month.
Ready? Let's go!
Millie wore a headband and hair flower that momma made for the first time. I will admit-it's kinda nice for people to know she's a girl without me having to tell them.
Sister still isn't too fond of clothes. And we oblige by that preference whenever possible. But a cold front moved through last week-so we had to wear them-even around the house. Mean Momma-I know.
We had our first Easter. Dad had to work-bummer. So we decided to go with my family to K-town to celebrate and introduce her to my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I'm starting a petition for my middle brother Aaron (green shirt guy) to get a hair cut. Contact me if you would like to sign.
Millie was so smiley on Easter Sunday and did wonderful in church. She slept most of the service and I left to find a comfy chair to nurse in toward the end. Dontcha just love this dress!?
We REALLY missed Dad this Easter-the feeling was mutual. The joy of marrying a nurse. In this photo MIllie wanted to show off her chins. Classy move Mills.
I have a slight obsession of photographing her in outfits. It makes me feel better about her not wearing them very long.
I also have a slight obsession of photographing her while sleeping, I'll spare you that montage.

This one makes me laugh. It's from a friend I met in highschool. Gaby came from Sweden as an exchange student when I was a sophomore and we have kept in touch. She sent this outfit over along with some other goodies in December saying that gender neutral is more the Swedish style for babies. Millie loved wearing this I'm sure. It's so soft and very warm-her dad loved it too, he says we are buying her Swedish designed or made clothing from now on.
Still not a huge fan of the car seat, but tolerating it much better. I wish this picture was clearer-she looks so sweet!
Aww, a baby yawn that must mean little girl is tired, will want to be rocked into a blissful state of sleep for a glorious afternoon nap right? WRONG! Millie doesn't want to miss a thing! She doesn't go to sleep easily (think lots of walking, bouncing, rocking, walking, bouncing, rocking...ect) but at night when she is out she is OUT! She grunts, groans, and starts to wiggle when she needs a diaper change and fed. We take care of those needs and she's back out. Can't complain about that!
Sister is smiling so much and it's so much fun. She also is starting to coo to us and makes this strange noise with her mouth and wants us to do it back to her. So we do, it's amazing the silly noises you will make to get a sweet baby smile. She gets a kick out of it every time.
And I do random photo shoots with her when she's happy. Evidence is below.
This was her face after I sneezed. Not exactly a "Bless you Momma."
Aww, another deceiving baby yawn.
Momma please stop.
Seriously stop! Don't make me cry.
JUST KIDDING. And that's my daughter in a nutshell people. Seems to be a bit dramatic and a lot goofy.

Side by side of one month old and two months old with Bow, her bear from Uncle Evan. Growing girl!
I leave you with this photo. Have a beautiful day. And here's to the next month!
Insert baby laugh. |
She is beautiful mama! Good job! Isn't motherhood the best?
ReplyDeleteThank you Candace! Motherhood is totally the best! :)