We have hit double digits! Seems like I just sat down to write the monthly Millie post but thats what the holidays do-speeeed everything up. Like always this month has been busy, busy.

This month Millie has become a fashion icon and innovator. Momma's shorts turned baby infinity scarf. The girl is going places.

We had opportunity to use the swing still earlier in the month. Now not so much...
We have trekked to quite a few basketball games donning our orange and black. Go Uncle Evan!
When she isn't at Basketball games or creating new fashion trends, Millie loves to eat her toes.

She's also taking modeling lessons from her dad. I call this "Blue Steel." Name that movie.
Then of course we had Christmas where Millie had so much fun and received so many nice things!
Like this really cool trike! Girlfriend just sat up there like she was born to do this.

Then we got all dolled up for Christmas Eve. My mom made her dress, I made the hair bow, Millie made the outfit. Look at her "ankles". Love my squishy baby.

I dreamed of a classic picture in front of the Christmas Tree on Christmas. Millie had other ideas...so did Jerrel's hair.

There's a nice picture with Momma! I found her jammies at the Thrift Store for $0.25. Hardly worn-of course. I figured they were worth the photo opt! She wore them all week I think.
Then we had our own little family Christmas. Millie was quite pleased with her new blocks and push toy.

So another month has flown by and I'll admit that I'm starting to plan her first birthday. Reluctantly yet excitedly. We had a month of learning to shake our head "no", blowing kisses, playing with new toys, giving Chester said toys, moving and then uses boxes has step stools, showing us her tongue on command, new teeth, playing shy, and so much more. It's a joy and an honor to be her Momma.

Here's our girl from 9 to 10 months. Is it just me or has she grown?
10 months going on 10 years.
Happy 10 Months Millie Girl!
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