

The Two Chairs and The Porch

Finally getting around to showing you guys the Fall improvements we have made here at the house! Last time we chatted it was all about two chairs and you guys ignoring my horrible porch flooring. A new screen door really managed to amp up our curb appeal and made the shoddy floor stick out like a sore thumb. 

Like I mentioned before, we didn't have room in the budget for a whole new floor this time around. But I'm not one to just wait and wait and let things fall down around my ears. Something had to be done.

Because this does not look welcoming or safe or secure, or pretty, does it?

So I proposed this simple three step solution to my husband. Not because he is mean, or ignorant, or hard to get along with or cheap-wait he is cheap. Because he simply doesn't notice these types things, or think of simple solutions for them. 

3 Step Plan
1. Buy a new piece of plywood to replace old rotten, dangerous, looks like H#%^ piece. 
2. Paint existing and new plywood with leftover paint in the basement-the same paint on the foundation of house. 
3. Install a metal threshold to help moisture not infiltrate new plywood. 

Because I don't always know all the details that go into projects it ended up being maybe like 4 or 5 steps. Caulk was applied around all edges, pieces of wood had to be trimmed, and we ended up doing a little painting on the steps. BUT, at the end of it all, it was so worth it. Check us out! 

I mean, seriously, clean, fresh, and safe! When the foundation was painted they did not edge the steps well at all...annoying. So we just made a 3 inch border on the steps and ta-dah! It supposed to be that way...right? 

It's not the forever fix, it's not perfect. But it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful.
Plywood: Around $20
Caulk: Around $15
Threshold: Around $10
Paint: FREE! I love leftovers!
My Husband saying "You know, you were right, it looks SO much better": PRICELESS!

Oh and look! Hark! There are my metal chairs all delightful and PINK! Thanks for the input but in the end those apple blossom colors against the house just did me in. I had to choose pink. I don't think I'll be doing much porchin' for a while now but I'm thinking next Spring I'll invest in a dark wicker loveseat and coffee table. Add some tan and green pillows and it won't be cutesy or chintzy at all, maybe even chic. Yeah right. 

So that's our front porch these days. Our first impression. And I feel pretty dang good about it. And that's a nice feeling. To have a pretty place to come home to. Thankful. Until we meet again. 


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