A Monday morning. Did you just get a knot in your stomach? I mean there is even a song about the distain of Monday mornings. But my most recent Monday morning was certainly manic, this time though the word "manic" was in a more positive connotation. I am not going to complain about it. Not. One. Bit.
Mom came in my room Monday and woke me up 20 minutes before my alarm. Normally this really would have peeved me BUT the words "Hot Air Balloon" perked me right up. Still confused? So was I. So I got up, looked out the window to the hay field and this is what I saw:
I thought I was dreaming. I had to deliberately blink a few times to clear my vision. But then I had a mission. Get. Picture, Now. Mainly to prove that there really was a Hot Air Ballon in the hay field. It was so beautiful outside, and after I got my pictures I asked why there was a Hot Air Ballon in the hay field. Priorities People!
How did we discover this ballon? Well Aaron came home from taking a friend home, and there they were..He so hospitably greeted them with "Uhhh...guys what are you doing?"
The German Man taking a picture of Senor Smarty Pants and I, We look like we are going UP! |
The visit from the Hot Air Balloon taught me two things:
1. I want to be an early riser when I grow up.
2. I want to wake up to a hot air ballon in my hay field while rising early, when I grow up.
Yes-this honestly happened- that's why I posted photographic evidence.
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