

Week 10

I had fall break, which basically was a deep exhale. That is why I've been on a week long sabbatical. I'm in week 10 of my Junior year of college. I've been a Junior forever it seems, and that title isn't really going away anytime soon it looks like. But anyway, week 10! That's where I am and thanks to Fall Break, week 9 seemed basically nonexistent. I went from week 8 to week 10 fairly seamlessly.
Here's the rundown of my week:
Monday-No class-get hair done
Tuesday-No class-lay on couch
Wednesday-Class and babysitting
Thursday-Class then go home-watch football and freeze
Friday-Lay on Senor Smarty Pants couch. 

Then came the weekend and well it looked about the same as Friday. With some Husker football thrown in the mix. Ahhh week 9 you will be remembered fondly. If only Fall break and week 9 were real life...


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