

Whole Foods-My Happy Place

So the weekend Senor Smarty Pants popped the question we pulled into Omaha, on our way to the mall and what did I see? Whole Foods. I've lived a rather sheltered life and never been. 

You know you are a Hippie when you could not care less about going to the mall you just want to walk through the doors of Whole Foods. Annd you get out of the car before it's stopped to get inside.

So the produce section had my heart when I walked in but this area, the buying in bulk spot, took my breath away. The organization, the options, it was just incredible. I think know I need to get out more. And see this guy? This guy cares about his health, and loves buying in bulk and some microbrew beer-we should be friends. 

This section kinda made me giggle. I see commercials for this stuff, I make fun of the people who buy this stuff. But while in Whole Foods I totally understood and thought it was completely feasible to buy this for Lucy. Safe to say I got a little carried away in there. 

So sure it was an awesome trip to a store I've always wanted visit, but I think the thing I will remember the most is people's carts. Now, I'm not going to generalize and say that anyone who ever shops at Whole Foods must be healthy, but guys you should have seen the carts. They were full of produce. Seriously, they had few prepackaged items in them, they had variety and flavors. These carts were vibrant and fresh, not one bag of doritos or toaster strudel in sight.

There was not one parent asking "Bobby do you want ketchup for your pizza rolls?" (By the way, Ketchup on your pizza rolls is a whole other conversation. Seriously?) For the hour, or more if I'm being honest, while wandering the isles of Whole Foods, I couldn't help but feel like I was part of the solution. Simply by being there, by ooohhing and awwwing over products I've read about and would love to try but have never actually viewed in person, let alone laid my hands on. 

I was encouraged to see how busy the place was and how friendly everyone seemed to be. The experience was actually little enlightening. 

So besides the whole getting engaged thing, I'd have to say that visiting Whole Foods was a highlight. A BIG one! 


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