

Punkin Crafting

This fall I decided to start looking for some seasonal activities for our Millie girl. Somethings that we could have very basic conversations about fall over. Things that she could associate with the season. So as any mother in this decade does, I headed to Pintrest. Finding projects a little tricker with Millie's age and attention span but I've figured a few things out. 

The first, Pumpkin painting. Millie loves painting, of all kind. We watercolor paint a couple times a week at her request. For this painting project though, I took one of our small pumpkins, that Millie helped grow and harvest, sliced it in half to make a stamp. I chose the colors this time, specifically choosing fall colors, showed her how to use a stamp and let her at it. 

And I love how her art turned out! I love how the colors mixed and she got the stamp thing down a couple times! 

We were able to chat about growing pumpkins, remembering the day we picked them, that they are picked in the fall. We also talked about how the leaves and plants turn the colors she is using. 

How much she absorbed this time-I don't know-but that's the thing. We don't know so we should keep on keeping on. Just because I *think* she can't grasp the concept I'm talking about doesn't mean I shouldn't at least expose her to said concept, no pressure. Just talk. Of course there are limits, I didn't mention photosynthesis...this time. 

And in true Millie fashion the activity was completed sans clothing. 

We set to work making paintings for Momma and Daddy and Grandmas and Grandpas all to be proudly displayed on refrigerators. Such an easy idea for 20 minutes of fun! Now that it's November I'm looking for some turkey or Thanksgiving crafts. If anyone has some clever ideas, I'd love to hear.


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