The one thing she slows down for though? Books. It's the most darling thing to watch her flip through her books and deliberately choose one. So I decided to share a couple of her favorites and a bit of two cents I've discovered while exploring the children's literature section in my adult years.
For Millie's first birthday I harkened my own youth and favorite book and bought her Only the Cat Saw. I remember loving this book and it didn't disappoint when I shared it with our girl. It's a lovely quiet and slow paced book with full page pictures. Millie is fascinated with cats and so this book is a favorite. We read it twice a day at least.

Another reason I love this book? They have a picture of a nursing momma. It's important to us that Millie has biological norms in her media. Might seem strange to think about but when nursing is such a large part of our everyday life I want her to see it in other areas of her life as well.

On our Colorado vacation I bought Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See? A classic that had been on my list and being in the mountains it seemed appropriate. An instant favorite and great for talking about colors and learning more animals.
Ahhh, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie. When we see this picture Millie says, "Uh OH" I guess leaning on a glass is a problem. Being a teacher I see all kinds of cause and effect future lessons and I'm always amazed at how focused she is while I'm reading this to her. To me is seems this would be a little above her understanding but she loves it and constantly is bringing it to be. Average 4 times a day. Seriously. I think I could recite it for you now actually.

I just got Where The Wild Things Are out for Millie-bug last week. I was going through and picking some books that looked like fall. The colors in this spoke to me. And Millie was happy to see this book. Another classic with great full pages of illustrations and encouraging imagination. A fun book for a different pace.

Daddies Do It Different. Jerrel is reading this to Millie as I write. This book is filled all kinds of stereotypes and gender roles but we still love it. And guess what? We don't get offended by said roles or stereotypes fitting us or not. In the end it's about Mommas and Daddies do one thing the same, love. This book is cute and fun and probably one of the few "modern" children's lit that I haven't been totally disappointed by. Other new works of the written word have just left me scratching my head and disappointed. For the most part I've decided to stick with classics and older publications.
Other favorites we read daily:
Charlie The Ranch Dog
Charlie and the New Baby
Bear Says Thanks
---All modern now that I think of it. I'm just more picky of the newfangled stuff I guess.
Now I better go Millie's checking out her books and I can just about tell where her fingers are going to land. I'll give you a hint...cookie.
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