

Story Hour

During the summer time I work at the library on Friday mornings. We have “Story Hour” from 10 to 11 for about 6 weeks in the summer. This program is such a joy. I read to the kids that are under grade 2 and then we do a little craft. Its just a fun time! You should come! :)

Recently two children who normally come have had someone along with them. These two children are brother and sister and they are so quiet! The little boy, we will call him*Cam he’s 4 I never see him light up the way he does when they bring their visitor. This visitor is their father. Their father has cancer and its terminal. I am unsure of how long he has but I do know he has had cancer before, beat it, but its back again and in full force. There is really not much they can do for him so he can work and he stays home. But come summer time on his good days he takes the kids to the pool and my favorite- Story Hour. When *Mark comes with the kids he is so fun. While I am reading to the kids he comments on the stories asks questions to the kids and helps keep them interested. He acts like the stories about reading to rabbits and the little kid wanting an iguana are just riveting and it makes me so happy he is there. *Summer and Cam just love him so much you can see it in there eyes. While we read they make themselves comfy on him on the floor. Last time Summer was laying on his legs and Cam was snuggled up to his arm. When the stories are over we go out and work on a craft and you can bet that Mark is doing the craft with them.

We made silly foam visor things last time and he had his all decked out with the kids’ name and the foam sea animals we glued on them. Cam wouldn’t wear his hat because he knew how ridiculous they were but after looking at his dad with his on and after being repeatedly asked by Mark to put it one he did. Such a team player! While I was scraping glue off the tables and they were sitting at the other table I just kept watching them and while I had joy for their interaction my heart hurt. I found myself choking up with how happy all three were and what was more than likely coming in the future. They have been on my mind all day. I just keep praying for them. And the ache in my heart- well its still there but I guess they are dealing with the hand they were given.


* names have been changed

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