

There is a time to rant...

And that time is now!

To my summer classes: you suck. Yup don’t fool yourselves I don’t like you. You are rude and dumb. You take entirely too much time. I really think you need to get through your numskull that people take summer online classes not to actually learn anything but to get those 3 credits in a shorter amount of time. Sorry, but that is how it is so get over yourself and stop being oh so annoying. Stop taking time away from my blog and stuff.

To my head: stop hurting. I don’t know why all the sudden you seem to think its cool to hurt, but news flash: its not! We would get along a lot better and have way more fun if you would get your act together and stop bothering me.

To the scones I made this week: thanks for not tasting good it was much appreciated...NOT

To my Jimmy’s AC: Please fix yourself. Its hot and you and I both know that dad is super busy and its going to be a while before he finds a time to fit you in. You know how that stuff works so it would be so much easier if you just did it.

To my hair: Yeah you thought maybe you got out of this rant. no way jose. please get through your ugly stage quickly. I have never really complained about my hair but right now mom and I don't have time to really help speed this process up so please be a champ and help yourself. Either curl or be straight. Half and half is not cute. K thanks.

Thats all I have for now.


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