It is a song by the group Alabama and its called “Song of the South.” Well while making the latest recipe this song and one lyric in particular was continually running through my head.
Let’s get one thing straight- I love the south. I love everything about it (excluding the confederates) I love the food, I love the history, I love the antebellum houses, I love the accent, I love love love the oak trees with the spanish moss hanging from them. I just love the at home atmosphere of the south. I have an aunt who used to live in Atlanta (now Florida) and one summer my family drove down there to see her. The whole drive was awesome to see all the country side through parts of Kentucky and Tennessee. To this day it is my all time favorite family vacation and I would go back in a heartbeat. We hung around her house and Atlanta then we ventured to Savannah. Now this town really sealed the deal that I love the south. Savannah is gorgeous. Its one of a kind. The buildings have great architecture and are old and beautiful, the trees are old and beautiful. We enjoyed a meal along the river complete with grits! After spending not enough time in Savannah we kept traveling and went to Jekelle Island. It’s a small island off the coast of Georgia and that is where I saw the ocean for the first time. There is nothing like hearing those waves for the first time. Its really something. I remember crying as we left our 2 week stay in Georgia.
Then a few years later I got the change to go back to the ATL! For National FBLA. I was so glad to get back there into the hub bub of the city and get just a little southern flavor again. While there with my fellow FBLA-ers we went to a Chicken & Waffles restaurant Authentic southern food at its best! My friend Doug naturally ordered the most interesting meal on the menu and then to top it off he ordered Sweet Potato Pie. I love sweet potatoes and pie and then you add in the fact that I was in the south-well basically I knew I had to steal a bite of the pie. So I did. And oh mamma! It was delicious. Best pie I have ever ate. The other day I was reminiscing about this trip and the highlights and the pie made it to the list. So I had to find a recipe and I had to make it. I can’t say it was as fabulous as the one in Atlanta but it was pretty darn all this talk of the south is making me think it may be time for another visit....
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