

Laundry Room Makeover

I mentioned awhile back that I was cooking up a Laundry Room project using a Pinterest board. Now let's talk about Pinterest for a minute. I need to admit something. I'm a closet pinner.

I have two reasons I do this:

1. I was "pinning" before "pinning" was cool. I have files upon files on my computer, full of ideas for the home, for supper, for outfits, and on and on. So when everyone else started pinning I certainly didn't want to be part of this new trend. All of these little files are under one mega file called "Sweet Stuff." My husband thinks that name is hilarious. I'm glad I could humor him. He recently named one of Millie's stuffed animals "Cowy Moo Moo" So I'm not sure who is worse at giving titles.

2. I don't want anyone to steal my ideas. Most of my pins are on secret boards or on my computer. I shudder even thinking of the day when my trusty MacBook croaks.

This is the first time I used Pinterest as a real life idea board though and I must say it helped. I was deliberate about what I pinned. Not falling into the trap of hours spent pinning things that were cool. I only pinned what was doable. Pinterest for the productive win!

Now let me show you a couple before shots of our Laundry Room.

When you walk into our rental this is the first room you see. And when we first moved in I was basically in survival mode. We had just got out of school. Just got married. Moved into this house. Then found out we were expecting. So.much.change. I just kinda hung up some things to try and make it homey and sunk back into my hole, trying to get a handle on all that was happening. 

But this last winter when I was doing multiple loads of laundry I really started to notice how shabby this room was. And then it dawned on me that this is the first room people see when they come to our house. This is the room the UPS man enters to deliver my Amazon addiction. YIKES.

It was dirty and needed cracks filled. New paint was desperately needed and I just wanted a prettier space to walk into and to do the not so pretty job of laundry. 

So I mentioned it to Jerrel and he didn't say no, so I went on with my plans! Here's how it turned out. 

The color on the walls and ceiling is called Chowder. The trim is called Whipped Cream. I pick colors based on how delicious they sound. And I love these colors. I want to paint the whole house these colors but my husband put the brakes on. Isn't the bead board on the ceiling just darling! I love it! 

I decided on a gallery wall esque display to work with my electrical box. I painted it last year with chalkboard paint one day when I was bored. I keep that old wash board in there to remind me that laundry isn't as bad as it could be.

My shelves are made from some scrap lumber from my Dad. I beat them up with a hammer and stained them with some stain he donated to the cause. We found the black brackets at Menards for around $4 a piece. The bottom shelf has boring $1.99 brackets under it and it's not attached for easy access to water lines and such. 

On the bottom shelf I have all my laundry goods (except my regular detergent-that's my LuLu's in the jar.) Plus a little bucket to put treasures in, i.e. change, bobby pins etc.-all mine of course. Next shelf I have picture I found on Pinterest, my cast iron animals, and a faux succulent. This room gets cold in the winter so a real succulent isn't the best idea. On the top shelf I have our lovely caricature from the state fair, an old bed spring, and some yarn pom pom flower things in one of my blue jars. The pom poms are from Millie's party. I took them off the dowels and put them on some twigs for something new. 

The cafe curtains are actually some I made up from a long shear drapery I found at the thrift shop. I love how light and airy they are! 

And remember these dingy closet type things? 

Well the hinges were screaming "Paint me black again!" So I listened. 

And they look so much nicer! Even though this wall and the doors were made from paneling I treated them just like the walls. Painted the doors the trim color to make it seem like they were supposed to be there. Please ignore how they don't match up. It makes them...quirky, ok? 

I finagled a new cover for my never before used ironing board and used it as a splash of color and practical art. The cabinet was here when we moved in and got a facelift with some Whipped Cream paint and hammered metal spray paint on the hinges and formica top. The formica probably won't wear super well but this countertop doesn't get a ton of use. It's just a landing spot. 

For things like potatoes that badly need to find the garden. Tomorrow! 

I also brought in this little trashcan I had to store the cloth diapers. It's the perfect size for a load. And it's not "Welcome to our home. We cloth diaper, see--->" anymore. 

This cabinet is using space much more efficiently than the other one. It's not the best but it's working for now.

I've got a couple doors I'm going to bring in for a screen around the hot water heater. But for now I'm just tickled with the space. I shopped around the house. Used what I had and bought a little to brighten up a space that was just begging for it. 

Here's a breakdown of what I spent

Paint (Walls and Trim): $60
Shelving Brackets (Both types): $18
Curtain Rods: $4 (For Both! Steal of the Year!) 
Curtain Rings: $12
Curtains: $2 
Caulk and other supplies: $10

Grand Total: $106

I'll take it! So my message today is- USE Pinterest. But get off Pinterest, stop pinning, and go get something done! Actually do a project. Take your inspiration and run! 

I could almost just hang out there here all day. Almost.



Easter Sunday

Easter was already two weeks ago. Doesn't seem possible does it? I'm beginning to see a trend in how we like our holidays. Little. 

We don't like to be rushed. We like to take our time. We don't need a crowd. We are happy with just us...and a few extras throughout the day. We don't need a big production. Normal sprinkled with special is just fine.

Our Easter morning started out with an Easter gift. We haven't quite made a decision on our views of the Easter bunny yet so we just said, "Look Millie an Easter gift!"

She just went straight for the fruit leather and gave this cheesy grin. FOOD-it's a good thing.

We got our girl all dolled up in a dress from a Great-Grandma and shoes from the Easter Parents and went to church. Baby doll did so good on Easter. Most Sundays are touch and go...mostly go so I was thankful for a less eventful service.

After church we headed out to Jerrel's parents, to a meal filled with delicious food. Oh so much good food.

I rounded up the troops for a couple pictures and was pleased with the results. 

We spent the day eating, napping, lounging, playing outside, and rejoicing in the resurrection of Christ!

So it's a little late I know, but we hope you had just as sweet of Easter as we had.



A Day in the Sunshine

This week has been weird. Jerrel worked Monday, was home Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Now he works the next four days. His schedule is erratic to say the least. The days off were spent working on a project. 

Working on the soon to be revealed project in the chilly, windy, rainy outdoors. But we aren't complaining. It was wet and we desperately need the wet. That did leave Millie and I inside. Watching Daddy from the window and the little girl was none too pleased about her situation. She was just sure she was missing out. 

Today though the sun came out and it was perfection. Absolute perfection. So us girls loaded up and headed to town for a change in scenery.

We went to the library, the coffee shop to see Grandma, the General Store, and finally to see Grandpa at the dealership. 

Millie test drove a UTV and decided she would like one. 

After all our errands and visits were done we took a quick trip around the park to enjoy the perfection a bit longer. 

"Angle Hairs" as Grandpa calls them were in full force of adorable today. Perfect little girl with curls.

We finished with a stroll around the flower garden and found these pretty peachy tulips. I wish tulips could last longer. I just love 'em.

We are home now, a little tired from our afternoon but refreshed by some sunshine and sweet smelling fresh air. Such a wonderful afternoon. Now, what to make for supper...Ideas?
