

A Friday List

I'm feeling a little bit random today and I like lists lately. So I've made one for you, sweet folks.

#1. Buying a fixer upper means you are always fixing something up. I'm told this just goes with the territory of home ownership in general. But I dunno. It sure seems like this house has a lot of projects-like you didn't know that already. I mentioned in my last post that we had a new project. And it has to do with the room below.

Naturally I had the room somewhat organized before my husband tore into it. Now it's a tornado. We are in the process of semi finishing this room. And making the toilet actually have it's own space. You an actual room, I think they call it a bathroom? Yeah, that's it.

#2 We found a use for the 234 samples of beige paints that came with the house. That's all I'm gonna say on the project now. Except that the dust has has spread throughout my house. Making a nesting mother C.R.A.Z.Y. The disorganization is making me I.N.S.A.N.E. But the progress is making me G.I.D.D.Y. It is so gratifying to see the potential of this house come to life.

#3 I love watching my husband work in the basement. Oh the skills I didn't know he possessed when I married him! He is seriously awesome. In his overalls. And cleanly shaved face. I say that now after he tried to grow a mustache for 9 days.  It wasn't cute. Thanks for shaving hun. One of at least should be using our razors. Which brings me to my next item.

#4 The cute has left the building.

A long time ago actually. I am large. I am carrying this babe so low I find myself holding my baby belly every time I get up, for fear that the kid is just going to fall out. I took this silhouette to prove I was pregnant. I'm officially camped out in my husband T-shirts. His response? "Wow, I didn't know I was that big." Did I mention his mustache was bad? Anyway, at 39ish weeks we are ready to meet this babe. And I'm ready to wear my own shirts again. 

#5 I am so thankful for a healthy and happy pregnancy. All joking aside, once again the Lord has blessed us with a fantastic pregnancy experience. Healthy, low risk, exceptional care, and joy! Our first girl is loving feeling the baby karate and listening to heartbeat at home on the fetoscope. 

#6 February weather is crazy! Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we lived like this. 

Today I'm back in my fleece leggings and sweaters. But we all know by now that I'm ok with that. Because I love Winter. Go ahead throw them 'maters at me. I don't care! Warmer weather is predicted for next week which will be good if we end up traveling for you know, labor and stuff. 

#7 My two year old is almost three. She is up she is down. She is sassy, she is sweet. In fact she just said to me "You know what Mom? I really love you." Oh, Sweetie Pie. I can't wait to see her be a big sister. 


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