

A Family Vacation to Fort Robinson

I am happy to report we have survived our first family vacation! Before Millie was born my mom planned a trip up to Fort Robinson State Park. My family loves Fort Rob and I've blogged about it before, so I was excited to get back up there. Until Millie made a 4 hour trip home from Bellevue 8 hours, showed me her tonsils on a couple different trips to a couple different grandmas, and made me cry with her expressions of distain of the carseat. Needless to say I was petrified of the 6 hour trek up north because we don't let her cry-we stop, we hang out, and then we try again. But my girl?

My girl did awesome! I decided to drive to save myself from motion sickness. Jerrel started the trip in the passenger seat but then Mills needed company and someone to shake a rattle or make ridiculous noises to her so Jerrel moved to the back and talked, changed diapers, got her to sleep, and handed her to me to nurse. We avoided the interstate so we could pull over whenever we needed to and that strategy worked great! About 1.5 hors from our destination we stopped changed a diaper and decided that her onesie was too slobbery for her to be comfy plus she doesn't like clothes so...back on the road with just a little distraction and Millie slept he last leg of the trip. We only stopped for a total of 2 hours and beat every one else there! 

Once everyone was there the spoiling began. Millie got a sink bath with both her Grandmas cooing at her.

The next day was thankfully warmer so we headed out to take in some history and the atmosphere of the fort. It's so relaxing.

How about that papoose! 

So much history so many cool tidbits of information.

That afternoon Millie and I took a walk and took some pictures. Then half way through we had to stop for a diaper change, we took the opportunity to snap some photos. 

She's kinda a ham.

Even the light poles are full of historic detail. A rainy afternoon kinda messed with the plans for a jeep ride on the bluffs but man did we eat good!

We were able to capture this gem with all Millie's uncles. 

And this uncle? He is awfully smitten with our little girl. 

I was able to sneak away for a bit to get some shots of the bluffs. They look like a painting. I love that you can sit outside your accommodations and take them in.

So, so pretty.

Nature--it's neat.

Ahh, the golden light at Fort Rob. So pretty.

We finished our evening with pie and a fire. The boys love fire, can't say I mind it either but I was more thrilled with the pie!

The next morning we had breakfast, packed up and got on the road. But before that all happened...

This is what happens when uncle Jake plays with Millie-sock on the hand. Then he just got up and left. His work was finished. 

And for our family vacation picture? Sorry Millie your parents are tired, but at least you are well rested! We promise we are truly happy to be there! 

It was a nice time again at Fort Rob, looking forward to going back again already. 


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