The month of May seemed to go slow and steady. This momma is just fine with that...I know a few expecting momma's that probably wouldn't be ok with my perception of the passing time but too bad! Millie had a big month. She became mobile at about 2.5 months by rolling over like a big girl. The first time I saw her she was laying in bed with me. I sat up and she rolled to her side, then she kept grunting and groaning until she made it to her tummy. She is definitely left side dominate but has started going to her right more. I can't get through a diaper change now without a roll. She's a speedy little thing! No more leaving her on the couch or bed unattended...she rolls and scoots. The girl is going places!
We have "Fireside Chats with Daddy and Millie" every evening before Jerrel heads to work. Then when Dad says "Well, I have to go to work, love you, bye." Her eyes get big and she watches him leave with those baby blues. It breaks Jerrels's heart. This morning he had a meeting so he left while she was still sleeping. I think he prefers that salutation.
Millie had an outing that included a giant chair. We were the ultra cool and ultra responsible parents that made a loop around the block, propped our daughter in the chair and snapped photographic evidence of the event. This is what parenting is all about right?
Mills wasn't quite as amused as we were. Oh well, you win some you loose some.
Sweet Pea has always loved her bath but this month she discovered the joy of splashing. Splashing makes noise, splashing gets you wet, splashing makes everything around you wet. Her in this big metal bowl is a riot. She hangs on to the sides.
Millie got some quality uncle time this month. My brother and his thumb just kills me.
A quality family least baby girl was excited about it.
Millie's dad is silly. I have to remind myself often, "Daddies do it different."
She's also discovered her thumb. We decided to not have a pacifier at least until our breastfeeding relationship was established. Well missy decided her thumb is tasty. I of course worried about insecurity and attachment but it's funny she doesn't do it when she is disgruntled. She will just be sitting around sucking her hands and then find her thumb. I found her like this after playing on the floor the other day. I'm trying to not be jealous.
Baby girls' hair is starting to come in and get a bit darker. She is going to have a thick head of hair. When Millie was born she had these 7 hairs on her crown that were very long. It amazes me still that her hair was starting to grow in there.
For you created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13
Yes, I know babies are born with hair, it just amazes me alright? Same with fingernails. Those were in there too?! We affectionately call the 7 long hairs her "womb hairs." I may cry when they disappear. I love to play with them.
These are Millie's wrinkles aka elbows. I love my healthy baby. I also love knowing that I put those there.
We have decided that toys are fun to look at while on our elbows. She talks to them and gets so excited. If her leggies could get her somewhere she would be in China by now!
Last night we were over at PawPaw and Gramacita's (don't ask) and she was so tired. Gramacita hypnotized her by petting her leg. Millie was so relaxed, just staring. Someone said "She's not a dog!" But whatever works..
I'm trying to get her used to the camera so she takes good pictures. However, she is still a kid and still loves to look at you and then make the cutest face while turning her head. Oh well her neck muscles are good.
I think my baby is beautiful all the time but mornings are my favorite. Her fresh sleepy eyes. She's just a doll.
Like I mentioned we now enjoy toys. We work very hard to hold them, stick them in our mouth, and get very excited about them. Introducing Sophie and Rory.
One recent car ride, Rory provided the entertainment. It was so nice to not have to talk Millie of a ledge. Thank you Rory, THANK YOU.

When I think about all the mile stones this month I am in awe. Rolling from back to front, tummy to back once,, holding head up, getting arms under and arching her back, reaching and grabbing things, and missy found her voice it is so fun to listen to her chatter.
Side by side 2 months to 3 months. Growing and changing!

So another month in the books. Each better than the last. At this rate think how awesome our lives will be at 15 years...ok maybe don't. I'll just keep blissfully snuggling my girl.
Happy 3 months Mills!
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