

Something Sparkly!

During September in my Senior year of high school I received this fortune cookie message after a very platonic group dinner with friends. Senor Smarty Pants was sitting directly across from me. We were friends, nothing more. We became "official" the 25th of September. We went to the Homecoming dance together three days later, the 28th.

Just over four years later, after a nice lunch with Senor Smarty Pants, I received this fortune cookie message. We had just finished our 50th month of being together. Not that we were totally counting or anything...

And that evening I received this.

And while our relationship is based on so much more than a couple of fortune cookie messages, we cannot help but enjoy these little notes and their significant numbers.

Jerrel and I couldn't be more excited and ready for this next step. Your prayers are appreciated as we figure all this stuff out. Hope you are having a beautiful day.



  1. Congratulatios! You 2 are perfect for each other. We pray peace as you take this next step into forever.

  2. I just posted on facebook but I'm so excited for you that i'm going to post here too. Congratulations. Being a finace is great but being a wife is even better!!

  3. Congratulations!!! How exciting :) So happy for you both.

  4. Thank you ladies! I'll be posting updates periodically!
