


The advent candle of Joy was lit last Sunday. This candle is reminding us of the joyful singing of the angels  about the birth of Jesus! This candle should be fairly easy for us. There is so much joy around us especially in this "Most wonderful time of the year". We must be careful to not let Joy get pushed aside however. Things can become rituals very quickly and we can miss the welling of joy. Joy is a choice I believe, its an attitude you choose to have or to not have. We can easily become "out of shape" and not have this joy. It needs to be exercised. How do we get back to that place? Well, we have to open up. We have to be willing to be joyful. We must trust that GOD has planted joy within us, we just need to recognize it and let it well-up within us. We need to be willing to share it, like the angels singing for joy and care for this attitude. I pray you will be overflowing with JOY!


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